
Modi Criticizes Opposition for “Fraud” in Muslim Reservation

PM Modi Exclusive Interview
Preeti Bali / 8:06 am / May 28, 2024

Prime Minister Narendra Modi strongly criticized the Opposition on Tuesday for what he termed the “fraud” of Muslim reservation. In an interview with news agency ANI, Modi praised the Calcutta High Court’s decision to cancel certain categories under OBCs in West Bengal and accused the Trinamool Congress of manipulating the court for electoral gain.


Opposition’s Tactics and Court Manipulation

Modi explained that the Opposition initially attempted to grant reservations to minorities by passing a law in Andhra Pradesh, which was subsequently struck down by both the Supreme Court and the High Court as unconstitutional. He alleged that the Opposition then resorted to a backdoor strategy by reclassifying all Muslim castes as OBCs, thereby depriving genuine OBC communities of their rights. 


Court Verdict and Vote Bank Politics

The Prime Minister emphasized that the High Court’s ruling exposed a significant fraud, yet he lamented that the Opposition, driven by vote bank politics, has resorted to attacking the judiciary. He condemned this as unacceptable, asserting that such actions undermine the integrity of the judicial system.


Raising Awareness on Reservation Issues

When asked why reservation became a central issue in the election, Modi stated it was his responsibility to alert Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), and other marginalized groups about how their rights were being undermined. He highlighted that election time is crucial for raising awareness about major threats facing the nation and emphasized that the core principles of the Indian Constitution were being compromised for electoral gains.


Accusing the Opposition of Betraying Marginalized Communities

Modi branded the Opposition as the “staunch enemies” of Dalits and tribals, arguing that those who profess to support these communities are actually their adversaries. He pointed to the presence of the Muslim League’s influence in their manifesto as evidence of their detrimental agenda. Modi vowed to fight for the rights of Dalit, tribal, and OBC communities, declaring that his struggle is aimed at protecting future generations from the consequences of vote bank politics.


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