
E-commerce Veteran Returns to Flipkart’s Board

Preeti Bali / 11:01 am / July 2, 2024

Flipkart, the main web based business goliath in India, has invited back Lydia Jett to its top managerial staff as a free part. This denotes Jett’s second spell with the organization, beforehand filling in as a delegate for SoftBank Vision Asset in 2017.

Jett’s underlying flight harmonized with Walmart’s milestone obtaining of a larger part stake in Flipkart for $16 billion out of 2018. This move denoted a huge step for the US retail monster, cementing its presence in the expanding Indian market.

Strong Backing and Strategic Influence

Sources near the organization uncover that Jett holds areas of strength for the of both Walmart, Flipkart’s parent organization, and Kalyan Krishnamurthy, Flipkart’s President. Prominently, Jett is credited with assuming a vital part in Flipkart’s new raising money achievement. The organization got a faltering $950 million, with Google contributing a critical $350 million. This most recent round of financing pushed Flipkart’s valuation to an amazing $36 billion.

IPO on the Horizon?

In a move hinting at future growth and expansion plans, Walmart recently indicated to analysts that they are actively considering the ideal timing for Flipkart’s initial public offering (IPO).

Jett’s return to the board is viewed as a strategic reinforcement for Flipkart as it strives to maintain its dominant position within the Indian e-commerce landscape. Her experience and expertise are expected to contribute significantly to the company’s continued success.

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