
Chennai IT Firm Kissflow Reduces Workforce Amidst Strategic Shift

Preeti Bali / 7:01 am / June 11, 2024

Kissflow, a Chennai-based information technology company known for its bootstrapped model, has undergone a workforce reduction. The company let go of approximately 45-50 employees, constituting 15% of its total staff. This decision comes on the heels of product shutdowns and a recent performance review cycle.

 Kissflow CEO Suresh Sambandam Explains Strategic Shift and Layoffs Amid Company Transition

Suresh Sambandam, Kissflow’s pioneer and Chief, made sense of the reasoning behind the cutbacks. He expressed that the organization is progressing from a “land-movement obtainment” procedure to an “grow movement” approach. This shift focuses on client securing across the organization’s item portfolio. Moreover, Sambandam featured that Kissflow conducts execution surveys each a few years, and around 20 workers were given up in light of these assessments.

The labor force decrease influenced workers across different areas, including India, the US, and the UAE. Nonetheless, the quantity of impacted workers in the US and UAE was negligible, staying under five.

Kissflow communicated trust in its previous representatives’ capacity to get new open doors. The organization guarantees that around 90% of the laid-off staff have previously tracked down new situations, with the leftover 10% expected to be set soon. Preceding the cutbacks, Kissflow’s labor force numbered roughly 400 representatives.


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Founded in 2012, Kissflow specializes in cloud-based, no-code and low-code work management solutions. The company boasts over 10,000 customers in 160 countries, with offices located in Chennai, the US, and Dubai.

This news comes amidst a backdrop of contrasting actions taken by Kissflow in 2022. The company received attention for recognizing its five senior executives with brand new BMW 5 Series cars, each valued at Rs 1 crore.


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