
Yubi Expands Employee Stock Option Pool

Yubi expands ESOP Plans
Preeti Bali / 7:49 am / July 26, 2024

Yubi, a prominent fintech platform specializing in business lending, has announced an expansion of its employee stock option (ESOP) plans. The company’s board of directors has approved the addition of 2.2 million ESOP options to both existing and newly established plans, bringing the total ESOP pool to 6.08 million options.

Details of the ESOP Expansion

Yubi has allocated 1.1 million new stock options to its existing 2022 ESOP plan, increasing the total options under this plan to 4.9 million. Additionally, the company has introduced a new 2024 ESOP plan with an initial allotment of 1.1 million options.

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

The company’s decision to expand its ESOP pool reflects its commitment to attracting and retaining top talent within the organization. According to estimates, the newly added ESOP options are valued at approximately $26 million, bringing the total value of the company’s ESOP plans to $70 million.

Financial Performance and Growth Trajectory

Yubi achieved unicorn status in March 2022 after securing $135 million in Series B funding. The company’s valuation further surged to $1.5 billion through a secondary sale the following year.

Yubi operates a platform that connects businesses seeking financing with financial institutions and investors. The company’s offerings encompass vendor and dealer financing, as well as a bond marketplace.

In recent months, Yubi has actively participated in the debt market, leading a Rs 150 crore debt round for Infra.Market and contributing to a debt round for Auxilo.

While Yubi’s revenue doubled to Rs 328 crore in the fiscal year 2023, the company’s losses also escalated significantly, reaching Rs 482 crore during the same period. The Bengaluru-based fintech firm is yet to disclose its financial performance for the fiscal year 2024.


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