
Delhivery Takes Flight: New Subsidiary for Drone Manufacturing and Delivery

Delhivery Drones
Preeti Bali / 8:49 am / May 20, 2024

Delhivery, a leading logistics company in India, is expanding its reach into the skies. The company announced the establishment of a new subsidiary, Delhivery Robotics Private Limited, dedicated to drone manufacturing and delivery services.

Drone Technology Takes Center Stage

Delhivery Robotics will prioritize research and development (R&D) in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology. This includes exploring different drone designs and their payload capacities to meet regulatory requirements and eventually launch commercially viable solutions.

Beyond Delivery: Expanding Capabilities

The company’s strategy extends beyond just delivering packages. Delhivery Robotics plans to offer “drone-as-a-service” (DaaS) solutions. These services will cater to both shipment movement and remote sensing applications, enhancing logistics efficiency and data collection capabilities.

Investing in Skilled Workforce

To ensure safe and effective drone operation, Delhivery Robotics will establish a comprehensive training program for drone pilots. This program will equip individuals with the necessary skills and certifications to navigate the skies responsibly.

Manufacturing and Sales on a Global Scale

Delhivery Robotics aims to become a global player in the drone industry. The subsidiary will focus on manufacturing, producing, and selling drones worldwide. This will involve collaborating with third-party manufacturers, procuring components, and conducting rigorous flight trials.

Leveraging Past Acquisitions

Delhivery’s foray into the drone space is bolstered by its acquisition of Transition Robotics, a US-based company specializing in developing unmanned aerial system platforms, in 2022. This acquisition grants Delhivery access to valuable intellectual property, further propelling their drone technology ambitions.


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